10.02.2013 (4177 days ago)

A test

A test
4177 days ago 13 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Here is a test for everyone.  The condemnation of the federal government right now is pretty universal throughout the country.  Nitwits, tools, terrorists, arsonists, cowards, bullies are only the types of names that are fit for print here in our family-friendly blog.  There are much worse being distributed in other venues.



I want to pose a test for everyone though who are embarrassed and angry about the incompetence shown by our governmental leaders.



Most of you have political inclinations and ideologies, and in particular opinions on Obamacare.  Trying to respect Gotham's "no partisan politics rule" (so difficult in times of such partisan animosity), how many of you out there would be willing to end the government shutdown if it meant your position losing on Obamacare?

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