Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.12.2016 (3039 days ago)

A really long shot for Hillary

A really long shot for Hillary
3039 days ago 16 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

Here's something for you to ponder...according to the Constitution, chosen electors of the Electroal College are the real people who will vote for president, when they meet on Dec. 19th in their respective state capitals.


There is technically nothing stopping any of the electors from voting their conscience and refusing to support the candidate to whom they were bound, or from abstaining from voting altogether. There’s even a name for it: becoming a “faithless elector.”


Faithless electors are technically barred in only 29 states from ignoring the will of the voters, though the penalties are light. And a faithless elector has never swung an election. But given the high dissatisfaction with Trump among Republicans, a few faithless GOP electors could well go rogue next month.


Clinton would need more than 20 GOP electors to go "faithless" and vote instead for her — a mighty tall order.


States with Unbound Electors


The Founding Fathers created the electoral college because the were afraid of direct Democracy. In fact, Alexander Hamilton thought the electors would make sure “the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”

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