Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
10.29.2016 (3053 days ago)

A new issue for the election

A new issue for the election
3053 days ago 11 comments Categories: Politics Tags:

A 63 year oid man, Alan Sorrentino, sent a letter to a small (5,000 circ.) Rhode Island newspaper criticizing women who wear yoga pants in public. He described yoga pants as "stinky, tacky, ridiculous looking."


"They do nothing to compliment a woman over 20 years old,” he wrote in the letter, which was published on Wednesday. “In fact, the look is bad. Do yourself a favor, grow up and stop wearing them in public."


By the following Monday, the letter was posted around the world and throughout social media. Sorrentino received death threats and compared them to those he had received in the past as an openly gay man.


A "Yoga Pants Parade" was staged last Sunday where hundreds of people marched past Sorrentino's house holding up signs reading, "we wear what we want" and "love yourself."


Jamie Burke, who organized the protest said, "This was not about a bunch of ladies parading around for their right to wear yoga pants, It was men and women standing up against casual sexism and the policing of women's bodies."


Sorrentino had a different view of the protesters. "They should really take a good look at themselves, and do a little introspection and just calm down and leave people alone. If you have got something to say write it down, and you don't go terrorize people in their home."


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