02.01.2015 (3675 days ago)

A mothers' advice

A mothers' advice
3675 days ago 4 comments Categories: City Blogs;Health Tags:

Whenever I went skiing as a teen my mother was not pleased, would tell me it is dangerous, and when she realized that I was going to go skiing anyway she would say to please be careful. I did not think it was ever dangerous. And I poo pooed the warning to be careful. In fact I always say as I get older that as long as I can bend down to buckle my boots, I will keep skiing. Yesterday, skiing with friends, I hit a patch of ice, which happens from time to time. Instead of skidding over it, my skis flew out from under me and I body slammed the ice, like my left shoulder and hip crashing hard into a brick wall. I am fine though bruised and stiff. Though it did make me think that such a fall for an 80 year old would be pretty bad. So mom. You are right. As you always were. I will be careful. Thanks for the advice.

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