Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
11.21.2015 (3382 days ago)

A moment

A moment
3382 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A lot can happen in a, sadness, excitment, pain, happiness, worry, stress, peacefulness...


Since my "insult" 8 months ago the most common question I'm asked is "Has the experience changed you in any way?"


Other than living with the trauma, I believe I am more in the moment. Of course other stuff gets in the way but I'm more likely to be present these days. It sounds cliche but the precisousness of life is something to be acknowledged and honored rather than pushed aside because you are in the pursuit of whatever goal you have.


Next time you feel joy...stay with that feeling as long as you can. Why not? It's fun and feels pretty good too :)

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