01.30.2014 (4056 days ago)

A man's best friend?

A man's best friend?
4056 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

We were in Florida last weekend visiting my Mom in Delray. Every morning we took a walk along the beach and enjoyed the 50 degree temperature difference from home. (I understand how the happiness of New Yorkers in Florida is tied to the difference in the weather.)
While walking I couldn't help but think of the dog walking blogs --- Fred's and David's. Lots of people walking dogs along Delray's beach.
As the young man came toward us, I focused on his dog. An elderly Golden mix. You could tell that he enjoyed the walk in the warm sun. Then he stopped and turned to jump over the low ledge to get from the walk to the grass. As the dog hesitated, the young man came around and lifted the dog's hind legs and helped him over the ledge.
“He's getting old and needs a little help.”
I thought that they got the familiar saying backwards because I just witnessed that “Man is a dog's best friend".

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