Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.12.2021 (1188 days ago)

A lot leaves to be desired

A lot leaves to be desired
1188 days ago 12 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Yesterday, the City (of New York) was to collect fallen leaves put out for collection in Paper Leaf Bags or open containers from residential.  Originally there were two dates for collection but the one for the weekend after Thanksgiving got nixed with little fanfare.  So I fulfilled my "obligation" to gather the leaves not yet bagged to put out for collection.  It was a lot and unfortunately the rain-dampened leaves prove heavier to heave into the collection trucks.  Nonetheless I appreciate the heavy lifting involved and thank the public servants known as Sanitation workers for their efforts.

by trees

yard left

below deck

side yard right

clear deck

more deck

deck near back door

next door


The pics above show the territory freed of things fallen.  

The leaves will be turned into compost for use by the City and its residents next Spring.

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