Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
12.22.2018 (2269 days ago)

A loaner

A loaner
2269 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A week ago I was surfing through the internet finding the list of things I needed to do to get my iPhone

broken phone

7 working again. Apparently, without reason, my phone stopped connecting to the network. No calls in or out and texts only if I was connected to WiFi. It left me wondering how I ever survived without a mobile phone.

After reaching out to Apple support, 10 reboots and various steps later I went to Verizon, as a last resort,  to replace the SIM card but no luck. I dropped in on an Apple store later that night and waited. One of the Apple Genius's told me that they needed to send my phone to Apple for repair (no charge) and they would supply me with a loaner phone. The kicker is I won't get my phone back till January 21st.


What I didn't realize is how many apps I use on a regular basis. Now I just use my phone for calls, texts and reading news. How boring...

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