Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
06.02.2024 (266 days ago)

A flat out change in plans

A flat out change in plans
266 days ago 12 comments Categories: Games Tags:

Shelly likes to ride -- a bike that is.  My lovely wife started with one of this bikes you dissemble and assemble which make for easy transport.  I would take her to different parks while I did my work remotely.  Through our friend Brian, she recently upgrade to a regular bike.  It required putting the back seats down until I ordered a removable bike rack for our "Blue Car."  I Installed the rack Friday but left the bike in the car.  Yesterday's plan included a return to Little Bay Park across from Fort Totten.  Soon after I removed the bike and Shelly got on to begin her 'tour," she returned to advise the rear tire was flat.  I used the bicycle pump I recently got back from friend Dave Stein but after pumping it full of air, we found if did not hold.  I put the bike on the rack and Shelly decided to walk Fort Totten while I watched the retirement ceremony for Darryl Strawberry's #18 (my fave # by the way; in Hebrew it spells Chai which translates to "life.") on my iPad.

I wanted to repair the tire that day; I took to google to find a shop.  For some reason, the google search did not readily provide local shops; I modified the search and found a shop in Bellerose but when Shelly called they said come in Monday.  I continued my search and found shop in Douglaston we could get to on the way home -- Shelly called to confirm we could go there -- and after the ceremony for "Straw" concluded, we proceeded to our "solution." it proved cost-effective even with a generous tip.

Later today, Shelly will try her bike out at some local park.  I am glad I was able to prevail in a search for a same day repair which made today's plan possible.

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