Mitch Tobol
I'm creating the next big idea...
03.13.2021 (1458 days ago)

A different time and place

A different time and place
1458 days ago 20 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I was discussing a show on TV with my son and he couldn't relate. He doesn't watch traditional TV anymore. His entertainment channels are Netflix, Hulu and YouTube. Books


A friend was telling me I should watch a certain show and when I asked what time it was on, he said "Anytime you want."


We consume media and information so differently now. Here's where I spend my time:


News: Online through Apple News on my iPhone, CNN, NBC, and 60 Minutes

Entertainment: Traditional TV, Prime, Netflix, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram

Sports: TV mostly with my phone filling in

Social: FB, IG, TW, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Reddit, Email, and the latest...Clubhouse

And I read or listen to books through my phone.

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