Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
05.09.2021 (1405 days ago)

A day for the special moms

A day for the special moms
1405 days ago 10 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:Mother’s Day

Last year on this day, the #1 mom in my life — obviously the one I live with — got a surprise involving her son visiting our place with his then girlfriend now fiancé.  This year no surprise but a visit nonetheless.  After a campaign HQ opening — outdoors &  masked for my newest client, I returned to pick up Shelly and begin a drive to Amherst, MA, where Jonathan and Carrie moved last weekend (See last week’s blog.).   They picked us up at our hotel in their car named for last night’s host of SNL.  Nice dinner at a Five Eyed Fox in Turners Fall (Recommend it; the chef liked what I ordered so much after preparing it she posted it to Instagram.).   Later today, we check out their new place and offload things from their Brooklyn apartment that did not fit in their car and was best not included on the mover’s truck (They planned to return down to Grand Junction, the name Jonathan’s sister created for her home on FourSquare, but the parents decided it better that we deliver the goods.).

Later I “report” to mom ensconced in Florida about her grandson’s new place; some visual aides may be part of that presentation.

Got to make the mom’s happy, especially on Mother’s Day.

Gotham’s webmaster advises Sunday’s are a tough day for bloggers to post.

But I retain one special advantage with Sunday blogging: on the actual day of my blog, I get to wish:

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!

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