Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.25.2024 (381 days ago)

A change is gonna come

A change is gonna come
381 days ago 18 comments Categories: Tech News Tags:

Probably not fair to borrow the title of the iconic song by Sam Cooke for the change I currently face.

It really only affects me.

The solution also evidenced how relationships matter and how pro bono involvements can offer unintended and unexpected benefits.

I returned a call Friday from Jim who runs the servers that hosts four websites that really matter to me — and

Jim politely advised he is closing down his webhosting business and by April I need to move my websites.

I fretted about what to do.

I shared the “news” with my son Jonathan who played a role in the creation of each and a newer friend I met because of our involvement in a common friend’s political campaign last year.  That friendship strengthened after October 7 when Gotham co-founder Fred Klein “invited” me to participate in a then new group of diverse professionals united as People4Peace (“P4P”) to counter Antisemitism and misinformation surrounding the formation and existence of the State of Israel. I brought in that friend, David Oralevich, an American Israeli, when the discussion turned to creating what became  David also later joined Gotham as a member of Gotham Queens.

Thanks to my web of involvements, some professional and some pro bono, I found my new webhost.

Thank you David O!



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Just like the seasons one change leads to another. Change is good

Posted By : Abbe Spiegel

Inspiring on all counts - including that I made a note to reach out to David for my webhosting. Thank you!

Posted By : Geraldine Newman