Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
06.03.2013 (4297 days ago)

A Word of Advice

A Word of Advice
4297 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

With graduation season upon us, it seems everyone has a word of advice for a college graduate.

Oprah told the 2013 class at Harvard University “It doesn’t matter how far you might rise, at some point you're bound to stumble," she said. "And when you do, there is something I want you to remember. No such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us into another direction."

Senator Elizabeth Warren cautioned the graduates of Springfield College "Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to consider the unexpected. Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to entertain the improbable opportunity that comes looking for you. And never be so faithful to your plan that when you hit a bump in the road -– or when the bumps hit you -– you don't have the fortitude, grace and resiliency to rethink and regroup."

Do you have any advice for a recent college graduate?

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