01.08.2015 (3713 days ago)

A Winter Thought

A Winter Thought
3713 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

As I brushed the snow off the car the other morning, I thought of family and friends who have left New York for warmer parts.
I am fond of kidding my Mother -- who spends the winter in Florida -- that the happiness of New Yorkers in Florida is inversely related to the weather: the poorer the weather in New York, the happier they are. (As any mother would, she denies any happiness based upon my discomfort.)
It makes sense. You travel to get away from the cold. So why wouldn't you take a certain amount of pleasure in the fact that your plan worked?
To those who, like me, are bundled up for the next few days (at least), stay warm....and make plans to get away so you too can watch the weather back home on TV and smile.

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