01.18.2018 (2605 days ago)

A Visitor

A Visitor
2605 days ago 4 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Two blogs ago, I wrote about a view from a glove. Giving personality to inanimate objects is, for me, a wonderful little fantasy escape. An exercise in imagination. Feelings should abound and be enjoyed even by things. My fantasies were validated the other morning. We are lucky to have a wonderful glass sculpture that we call “Sunshine”. It’s a fairly large yellow droplet shape with streaks of white. It’s by a window and enjoys playing with the sunlight as it comes through the window. I often imagine Sunshine basking in, and enjoying the sun. The other morning, as Flo opened the window to let the light in, we saw a visitor perched by the glass door looking in at Sunshine. The picture tells it best. And the fantasies continue.

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