Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
02.03.2021 (1501 days ago)

A Vision Board for 2021

A Vision Board for 2021
1501 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Perhaps you've met Nelson Mishkin? Nelson and I met in 2004. He is one of those special people that was brought into my life at the right time, for something greater than I anticipated and has been in my life ever since. Nelson is a past Gotham Member, a true member of the tribe. He lives the motto of giving over receiving, and knows that what he gives, he gets back in multiples.

I had the pleasure of meeting his beautiful wife, Barbara Mishkin through her Inspiration Project. Barbara too, is a giver and would be a lovely addition to our tribe. This is a little story about her and her Inspiration Project. While I may have the gift of gab, storytelling, and word-crafting, she has the gift of inspiration through pictures. Beautiful, crafted pictures.

This is her story....

"The article about me has come to life.  It is going to be in the Jewish Exponent, The Good Life, Active Seniors making a difference.  Page through The Good Life - and that is me!  I was somehow selected for this honor 3 weeks before it came to print, was interviewed by an accomplished journalist, had a photographer take a recent picture and voila. It has come to light!

Almost five years ago I had a dream from God that you are never too old to set another goal; or dream a new dream.  So, I awoke one morning at Disney World, the land of dreams, and I knew the name of the endeavor and what it would be like and The Inspiration Project was born.  And then I bought you all along for the ride.'

Jewish Exponent

She models what we stand for in Gotham. I think she would be a great addition to our tribe.

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Thank you to everyone who read Carly’s post. I am very grateful. Please check out daily inspirations at They will start off your day in a positive and perhaps funny way. My Best, Barbara

Posted By : Barbara Mishkin