Every so often a tragedy strikes that, while not impacting us directly, does. Such was the tragedy that struck a young family early last Sunday morning as they were being driven to the hospital for the birth of their first child and were hit by another car and killed. The baby was delivered but died the next day.
By any account, it is, indeed, a tragedy of enormous magnitude. One with absolutely no rational explanation -- other than the absolute that what happened, happened. For me it was knowing the streets of Williamsburg where the accident occured. I have learned the neighborhood since our children, Alyssa and Jason moved there. I have been there more frequently since Jackson, their son, was born. I have come to be cautious of the narrow streets with limited visibility. I have observed the many young families with strollers. I try to be especially cautious when I drive in the neighborhood. I have witnessed the cars going too fast and the "non-stops" at Stop signs.
Mostly, it's the joy that our family has enjoyed witnessing Jackson's birth and our children becoming parents - embracing all of the potential for the life ahead. That joy, that potential, has been taken - inexplicably - from another family. That touches us all.
Posted By : hydrajet