Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
12.19.2016 (3001 days ago)

A Temperature Dispute

A Temperature Dispute
3001 days ago 9 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I am reasonably convinced that I have written this blog before but the conversation continues so indulge me.



In my house, we are temperaturistically opposed. Yes, I know that is not really a word.



Forever, I am opening windows and Bill is closing them as soon as I walk out of the room. I turn the air conditioning to its highest power (meaning, I am playing the game “how freezing can the house get”) while Bill claims the thermostat as his own to warm up the place.



Literally, sometimes we wait for the other one to fall asleep to gain control of the ceiling fan. And this is true regardless of the season.



I think I will buy him warm socks for the holidays this year.


How does your thermostat work?


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