Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

A Super Day?

A Super Day?
1859 days ago 10 comments Categories: Games Tags:Superbowl, FDR Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Kings FDR Tolerance Foundation

Already two prior blogs posted about tonight’s main event. I find it a travesty that I need to refer to it as an eve game. The game really belong to late afternoon. The current scheduling often means gatherings break down after half-time, especially those who might need to travel a bit to get home; and with tomorrow remaining a work day, no reason to expect many to hang late on a Sunday eve. Sometimes, we join friends to watch; the hanging certainly outdoes watching the game (at least until the team that last won 51 years back gets into the Superbowl).


One other thing makes watching interesting: scoring and non-scoring each quarter and rooting for certain scoring. Why? Some charitable fundraising around the game to support my FDR Lodge Knights of Pythias foundation. Each June its Kings FDR Tolerance Foundation awards grants to certain charities and often funds scholarships for qualifying children of a member. As I shared in last year’s blog, “My friend Ira devised (or uses) a system with ten ways to win; it helps you focus on the game and perhaps root for teams you may otherwise despise.” A number of friends and colleagues supported this and we’ll probably text back and forth based on how our numbers play out. It certainly succeeds on the fundraising side and generally keeps one attuned to the activity on the screen” (If you reach out before gametime, I just may be able to get you opportunity to donate and play.).


What plans do you have today?


Watching the main event?




Inquiring minds want to know.


If taking in the game (or not), offer your predictions:


Who wins?


Share you final score prediction (and in keeping with Ira’s scheme, also predict first quarter, second quarter, third quarter scores and the various combinations of each quarters).


And for that other “competition” played in a totally different arena, with a contest of sorts Monday eve and an oral spectacle the following night, I close with a playlist created one year ago this Wednesday

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