Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
02.03.2019 (2222 days ago)

A Super Day?

A Super Day?
2222 days ago 27 comments Categories: Games Tags:Super bowl, Foothall, Jets,

Today represents for many one of those much watch TV days. Some for the pomp and circumstances. Others for the commercials. A few for the gala at half-time. And most for the main event, the Superbowl. I’ll watch. At time of this drafting, not exactly sure where (I can post in the comments for any who really ought to know.). My interest since my team seems to achieve excellence in avoiding participation for 50 years involves some charitable fundraising around the game.


My friend Ira devised (or uses) a system with ten ways to win; it helps you focus on the game and perhaps root for teams you may otherwise despite. It certainly succeeds on the fundraising side and generally keeps one attuned to the activity on the screen.


While I muse about the ability of next season’s New York Jets of New Jersey taking steps toward a return in my lifetime, I still revel in the results of the third Superbowl. I recall watching that game in our living room in Glen Oaks, sitting on a red reclining chair, tape-recording the game. I rejoiced in the outcome. Now I look at the game as just an occasion to help support the charities of the Kings-FDR Tolerance Foundation and enjoy the company of friends (except those times we opt, like last year to view the game in my home-office).


What plans do you have today? Watching the main event? Where? Inquiring minds want to know.

If taking in the game (or not), offer your predictions: Who wins? Predict the final score?

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