10.23.2014 (3790 days ago)

A Status Symbol

A Status Symbol
3790 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I can't remember the last time we were in a Buy Buy Baby store. But we found ourselves in one last weekend. Shopping for a status symbol.
They only had one starter Scooter to choose from. A take off on the Flexible Flyer sled of old. We passed on the scooter -- for now at least. We were in search of status.
So many choices. Some more versatile than others. Some more expensive than others. But all had unique status potential. We made our choice and found our purchase at the check-out.
Home with our purchase. Time to assemble. A challenge but I was up to the task.
And so, with a few clips and snaps, the car seat was secure in our car. At our age, a car seat is status.

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