03.11.2014 (4016 days ago)

A Star Is Born

A Star Is Born
4016 days ago 2 comments Categories: Music Tags:

The world is a fascinating place.


In the wake of the Academy Awards, a brief debate occurred about Pink's performance of the Judy Garland classic, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow".  There were opinions decrying the blasphemy of the performance and others who thought the singer brought both talent and heart to her version.


This train of thought reminded me of my blog reviewing Les Mis (which I still stand by and obviously I wasn't alone).  There are some who despised it based on the technical quality of some of the singing voices.  Some didn't like the in-your-face, sweaty, teary, snotty directing style that I thought oozed of real emotion.


The debate, like most other topics of discussion eventually came around to "The Who."  I recalled seeing Roger Daltrey in concert at the ripe old age of 51, apologizing for the quality of his voice, not holding up after 30 years of whiskey-drenched, impassioned operettic screams.  He claimed he "never wanted to sing like no F-ing Barbara Streisand anyway."  Apologies on behalf of both Roger and myself to all the Babs fans out there (and probably a majorty of those reading the blog).  The point wasn't just a gratuitous shot at the American darling, but rather a fraternal shout-out to those of us who look for and listen for something beyond the perfect note, pure and easy, beyond the perfect smile.


Idina Menzel has become a household name.  I started the blog claiming that the world was fascinating because no matter how good her performance was of "Let It Go" from Frozen, that could very well have been the end of her moment of superstardom.  Then came the blunderous (as it is now commonly referred) Travolta-ism, slaughtering the poor beauty's name for no apparent reason.  It will probably be funny for 100 years, but it also may lead to "A Star Is Born."


How it ties together is the following video.  Jimmy Fallon opening The Tonight Show in his dressing room with Idina performing her hit not just acoustically, but accompanied by the legendary band "The Roots" performing on nothing but classroom instruments.  I can't stop watching it.  Some have described how they literally don't like it, my granddaughter who loves the movie even made a face like she was going to cry.  I can't stop watching it.  I don't know if it's the pure, raw talent on display, the sincere, unrehearsed enjoyment in the faces of the performers,  the natural uncontrolled emotional response of the live audience who was sitting in another room, yet couldn't control their excitement when the song peaked emotionally.


I leave it to you Gotham...

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