Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
11.25.2014 (3758 days ago)

A Solo Surprise

A Solo Surprise
3758 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Sometimes I think our blogs are a selfish exercise. How lucky we are to have your attention every week where we can write about anything, anything at all. My selfish exercise this week is to tell the story of my Saturday evening.

My 14 year old son loves to sing. This year he auditioned for and was selected to perform with the Nassau Symphonic Choir of the Metropolitan Youth Orchestra, a select group of 9th through 12th graders who perform three times a year in major concerts that culminate at Carnegie Hall in May.

This past Saturday was the first concert of the season. Eric wanted to have a solo in one particular song but during rehearsal the director didn't think his voice was quite ready. On the night of the concert, however, the young man chosen was not able to perform and on a moment's notice a replacement was necessary. In walked Eric.

As he approached the front of the stage, we were nervous but he was calm. And then he opened his mouth to sing and our mouths dropped. Where did that voice come from? (Or more succinctly stated as my daughter texted me -- "what was that????????") Big, deep and filling the entire LeFrak Concert Hall at Queens College -- carrying a huge song with about 50 other choir members. A real moment.


Thank you for indulging my selfish blog.

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