08.12.2013 (4218 days ago)

A Social Media Confession

A Social Media Confession
4218 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

A story that I read in the news this week really upset and concerned me. A Florida man, Derek Melina, confessed to killing his wife and posted a picture of her body on his Facebook feed. He then turned himself into police.

And although his acts are troubling by themselves, what happened next is what was truly disconcerting to me. While countless  people expressed their outrage and shock at the picture, scores of people shared the picture on their own feed. In other words, numerous people felt it was appropriate to repost the gruesome picture on their own Facebook feed.

Facebook ultimately removed Melina’s posts and the picture of his wife. But one has to wonder what the actions of those who reposted the picture says about human nature and social media. Have we become so desensitized to what we post on Facebook that nothing is off limits, not even a photograph of a gruesome murder scene?

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