Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
12.07.2018 (2290 days ago)

A Small Emergency

A Small Emergency
2290 days ago 30 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Did you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a start and realize that you forgot to do something important? Well, in the early morning hours of last Saturday I had such an experience as I realized that Gotham had forgotten to make plaques for this year’s worthy networkers of the year Laurel Scarr-Konel and Brett Deutsch.

What to do? It quickly came to me that Fred Morante, Chairman of our vibrant Queens Group which had the highest percentage of members in attendance at Tuesday’s Holiday party, and owner Scott Levine have an efficient running machine in their Minute Man Press in Bellerose which, for example, provided the sign for the sponsors at the Holiday party.

I telephoned Fred early Saturday morning and explained the problem to him as being a “small emergency”.  Fred, being the experienced hand and trouble shooter that he is, calmed me down and quickly took the information down and promised to bring the plaques, pictured above, to the party on Tuesday night.  On Tuesday night he gave them to me while keeping secret the winners' identities.

Laurel and Brett were well received and all were happy!

Thanks again to a charter member of the Fellowship of Freds for helping to make it happen!

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