Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
07.08.2015 (3519 days ago)

A Rose By Any Other Name

A Rose By Any Other Name
3519 days ago 13 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:names, Cayce,Key West

Since I am in love with my name, I will continue this weeks Name theme.

I am the youngest of 4. The oldest, my sister, was named for my Mother and her mother, Sue Brent, we've always called her Brent.

My brothers were named for my father, the older one - my ex-brother (but thats another story), John Albert - and the younger brother named for my grandfather, Treadwell Rice,  When my sweetheart's sister, learned my brother's names, she knew immediately that, Treadwell Rice Crown the 3rd, was the gay one... Its stereotyping but its funny, and I "came out" first, so its alright that I make fun. Anyway, we call him Ricky, though in his adult years, he tries to get us to call him Rick.

I was born Catherine Calder Crown, a nice elegant name, perhaps good for a romance novelist, but before I had even reached my 3rd birthday, I was Cayce. My Mother said she just knew too many Cathys, she was quite eccentric in all the best ways, so she found my name in the Rex Morgan comic strip. A woman had been found on a Cay(sometimes called Keys) with amnesia, so they called her Cay-cee, which was shortened to Cayce by my Mom. maybe this is why I feel so at home on islands, Manhattan, Key West, Venice. Being a good southerner, she may have been familiar with Cayce, SC, she was not familiar with Edgar or I probably wouldn't have gotten my great name. No offense to anyone named Cathy, but I've often joked with people who ask about my name, that if I had been named Cathy, I'd be living in a trailer in Georgia with 6 kids and a beer & cigarette in my hand. Not that theres anything wrong with that.

It ain't me, babe.

In my sweetheart's family, they didn't get middle names until they got confirmation names, and I am sworn to secrecy as to my lovely's confirmation name. She hates it. It amuses her how my siblings and I are so interested in names.

Why do you suppose, the two daughters in my birth family were given the androgynous names, Brent and Cayce?

“It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.” -W. C. Fields

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