Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
06.24.2015 (3533 days ago)

A Romantic Day

A Romantic Day
3533 days ago 6 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

In 2011, on this day June 24, New York passes a law to allow same-sex marriage, becoming the largest state that allows gay and lesbian couples to marry.

In 1953, on this day, Jacqueline Bouvier and Senator John F. Kennedy announced their engagement.

In 1509, Henry VIII was crowned King of England. He certainly knew the advantages of a good marriage.

In 1957, the last episode of "I Love Lucy" aired.

In 1970, the movie "Myra Breckinridge" premiered, "romance"  ahead of its time. Tom Selleck's movie debut.

In 451, the 10th recorded passing of Hailey's comet.

You wake up every morning with the opportunity to make a difference.

It's easier here at Gotham.

Be romantic today.

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