06.13.2022 (988 days ago)

A Rainy Summer Sunday

A Rainy Summer Sunday
988 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My husband and I were very excited about this past weekend. It was one of those rare weekend days. We had no plans, no work obligations, no children coming over, no getting together with friends, etc. It was just us.  We were very excited to just relax by our pool on Sunday and, basically, do nothing.


And then it rained. So we spent the day doing chores around the house, cleaning out the closets etc. I did some healthy food preparation, i.e. cutting up vegetables for salads for lunch during the week.  While we got a lot accomplished, it was not the relaxing, mindless day we had happily  anticipated.


How do you spend a rainy weekend day in the summer?

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