What do you see when you look in the mirror? Well most of us don’t take a lot of notice, especially in these work at home times. But every time I log onto a Zoom or WebEx meeting, for a brief few seconds, I see an image of myself, blown up in full color. It actually is a bit startling as this is really how others will see me. But what do you see of yourself? I see more gray hair, maybe this is more distinguished looking or shows I have stood the test of some time period. In reality, I am getting older and hopefully wiser. Also, a lack of a haircut brings out the ever thickening grays... Then I see the every larger bags under my eyes, more so with the work at home time line. Am I getting less sleep, likely as I do wake up more at night for some reason. Am I eating correctly, likely not, as snacking throughout the day is common. But I am taking more vitamins than ever before to keep my immunity up. Is it more stress. I bet that is it. Inconsistency in one's life and change all create stress. Maybe so. Maybe I am just getting older... I also see the head of the household that tries to keep it together for my family when everyone questions life every day. I see the main bread earner in the house as well. I see the person checking (seemingly by the minute) on my 12 year old to ensure he is doing his home school work and not watching some video or game on line. I see someone who cares enough about work and the company that pays me to do the right thing and put in an honest day's work in while checking on my customers and handling the questions that come in every day. So for me, I see what I guess I have always been. Just a bit older, wiser and hopefully more compassionate, even if showing more gray now. What do you see? Dan Schwartz
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : hydrajet