In advance of this Friday, or for when you opt to observe the sentiments associated with that day, enjoy an updated a set of songs that reflect the sentiments of the day (and more). I present this most current iteration of Songs of Love, a set of 77 videos on YouTube or some 74 tunes on Apple Music.
The back story to this playlist: In the summer of 2016 a good friend and his wife celebrated their 50th year of marriage. I posted a blog that included many of these songs but not in any curated order. This list builds on the “setlist” shared then and included many on a cassette tape from many years ago that I played on my car stereo on my first date with Shelly and some songs I added since.
I make updates from time time, including the day before when some video links required updates.
If you plan a gathering around the theme, the songs (All are among my personal faves.) might work well.
Please do enjoy and share.