04.14.2013 (4333 days ago)

A Passionate Sunday Morning

A Passionate Sunday Morning
4333 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:Passion,architecture,highline

Here I am trying to think of what I should cover on this wonderful Sunday….blog. Filling in for Donald I could talk about: how Gotham is great; I could write about how Fred saved me this past week when I misplaced my tickets to the Friars roast; I could write about the roast and what a wonderfully great networking experience and how completely offensive (in a laughing so hard falling out of chair kind of way); Or I could write about green, sustainability, architecture, running a business, or many of my trials and tribulations.

But here on this Sunday I am struck with the notion….passion in one’s life.

For me I have many passions, but since I was a young boy I have been fascinated, captivated with building things: Cities of Legos (before the fancy kits), any number of Rube Goldberg contraptions for world domination (idle dreams of a 12 year old), evolved into my love of Architecture. For the last 5 years I have in addition to my business, and other activities been teaching architecture at NJIT school of Architecture. While teaching I began giving my students tours of the highline, and of course speaking about things like that at Gotham events means that you have just volunteered. So by my estimate I have now done about 18 highline tours now and 6 for Gotham. For those of you that love the highline, or for those of you who have never been but want to, please join me on next Gotham Highline tour. You will see a bit of my passion for Architecture and along the way a fabulous example of “if you build it they will come”.

A life without passion is a life lost. So as I sit here and think about those things I am passionate about; I ask you Gotham what are you passionate about? Your children? Your job? Your significant other? Your friends? Your networking group? What's in your wallet?

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