Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives
12.27.2020 (1537 days ago)

A Musical Welcome to a New Decade

A Musical Welcome to a New Decade
1537 days ago 18 comments Categories: Music Tags:YouTube, Apple Music, Happy New Year

Annually, I offer a rather short blog with a concerted purpose: a musical start to welcome the new year.  We reached that moment with the most popular of the playlists I post on YouTube and Apple Music: Song To Ring in the New Year.  Please do enjoy and share it.


As I explained in prior years, this curated list reflects more my musical taste in comparison to the holiday songs setlist which “accept” selections proposed by others; that helps explain that lengthy playlist.


So Happy New Year one and all.


So play it loud as we start a new decade and welcome the conclusion of 2020.


Best wishes and health to all.


Stay safe.

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