05.26.2016 (3196 days ago)

A Morsel

A Morsel
3196 days ago 3 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

This has to be one of the most bizarre and resourceful happenings ever witnessed.
We were at the Gala and Auction for UrbanGlass -- a wonderful facility in Brooklyn and worth a visit for anyone interested in glass.
During the cocktail hour, pieces that were being auctioned were on display in UrbanGlass’s gallery. As we enjoyed drinks and hors d’oeuvres, we walked around to view the pieces on the walls and pedestals around us.
Among the works was one entitled “On a Silver Platter” by Jamie Grove. Consistent with the theme of having one’s heart on a silver platter, the work was a clear cast-glass heart on a silver plate. (By the way, the heart was anatomically correct.)
Well, someone must have had second thoughts about one of the hors d’oeuvres and the partly-eaten morsel found itself onto the platter next to the heart.
I am not sure how long it was there before an assistant who was speaking to one of the patrons of the event noticed that the artwork was serving a functional purpose that was not intended. The assistant deftly reached across and, in a single movement, plucked the morsel and tucked it into her pocket -- without even a pause in her conversation.
Bizarre, that among such a well-bred group,  someone left the morsel and, oh, how resourceful the assistant!

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