Nancy Schess
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06.30.2014 (3905 days ago)

A Moment to Remember

A Moment to Remember
3905 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Wednesday, my daughter graduated from high school. It was a memorable night in our family but even more memorable for another local family.

The speeches had ended. The principal and school board members had started the process of announcing each (and every) name and personally handing each of the 580 graduates a well-earned diploma. Midway through the alphabet, however, the principal stopped and announced that there was a special guest in our midst.

Lt. Colonel Richard David had returned from Afghanistan to surprise his daughter at her high school graduation. He wasn’t expected home for another two months and had missed her prom and her 18th birthday. But as the principal began his announcement, Lt. Colonel Davis appeared on one side of the stage as his daughter was about to approach to accept her diploma from the other side. She took one look at her father and had a reaction that I know will never forget. I suspect she won’t either.

The district captured her reaction and this reunion on its website ( - Click on Syosset TV). I have watched this clip countless times and it still makes me cry.

Now that said, some local parents actually said out loud that this special moment detracted from the graduation for the other 579 graduating seniors. To those parents, I say you should watch the video again and again – and instead think about how privileged we all were to be a part of that moment.

Congratulations to all of the graduates.

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