10.22.2015 (3377 days ago)

A Mets Fan Watching....

A Mets Fan Watching....
3377 days ago 2 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

One of the aspects of watching the Mets on TV is that, in addition to watching the action on the field, you get to watch the fans in the stands watching the game. When the Mets are away, watching fans takes on an especially heightened level of aggravation, annoyance, empathy or joy.
So it has been watching the Mets play in Chicago. (I like the Cubs-- and routed for them to beat the Cardinals. But now they're playing the Mets.) I found myself really angered by the Cubs fans cheering against the Mets. I understand that my anger was irrational -- they are doing what fans do. On the other hand, I was a bit empathic with those same Cubs fans who sat quietly as the outcome of the games became clear. After all, being a Mets fan, I have been in their shoes many times. Ultimately though, the joy of a Mets victory is sweetened by watching those disappointed fans.
Being a fan is complicated.

P.S.  On to the World Series. Let’s go Mets!

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