Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
05.25.2015 (3577 days ago)

A Memorial Day Blog

A Memorial Day Blog
3577 days ago 4 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

If you and I have ever talked about my blog, you know that I write on Monday nights. Each of the seven of us has our own time to create. Some plan days, even weeks, in advance. Even with the pressure of coming up with a topic on deadline, I like thinking about what is current and present just when it is time to post my blog.

As I write, Memorial Day 2015 is coming to a close. It was a beautiful weekend. My son played in the All Star game for our town’s baseball league. My daughter and I shopped for her upcoming trip to India. We had dinner with my family Sunday night and barbequed tonight. It was fun.

But we seem to have lost the focus on the meaning of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is intended to be a moment in time to commemorate those who died in service to our country. Quite honestly, I don’t think my family did that to sufficient degree this weekend.

So tonight I decided to stop, take a moment, and reflect on all of the military lives lost over the course of the years. I hope that you will all join me, even if it is a day late.

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