Corey Bearak is one of the true gems of Gotham. He is a gifted political strategist and always willing to help in that arena. In addition, however, he is always willing to help any Gotham member with any issue they may have whether it is in his area of expertise or not. He has often given me wonderful advice with respect to issues that appear to have nothing to do with his area of professional expertise. He truly deserved the honor of Networker of the Year.
In addition to all Corey is in his professional life, he also loves music and often writes about various shows he has seen. To me, Corey is almost a library of musical information. And, because of that, I have been playing a little game with him for the past year. And even though he may not, actually he probably does, know we have been playing a game, he’s been winning. In fact, not only has he been winning, he has a perfect score.
Corey “sets up” my blog every Monday; meaning he sends out the email letting Gotham know the blog is up and a short synopsis of what the blog is about. Whenever I can, I sneak a song lyric or title into the title of my blog. Every time I have done it, Corey has recognized the song and provided a link in the comments to a video of the song being performed.
I would like to stump Corey just one time. So help me out Gotham. Any suggestions for obscure song references I can use?
Posted By : Sdvilldeamb
Posted By : hydrajet