Cayce Crown
Your Videyoda.
05.27.2015 (3525 days ago)

A Love Story Redux

A Love Story Redux
3525 days ago 23 comments Categories: City Blogs Tags:

As you read this, I'm having surgery on my nose to remove a spot of something I don't want growing on me. So to cheer me up, I am replaying my first blog to remind of the greatness of being a part of a bigger whole. Thanks, tribe.

First, I must say, how grateful I am to be joining the bloggerettes here at Gotham. I am quite honored. Lucky me.

So I’m starting by giving you my love story with Gotham.

Eight (million) years ago, a gentleman I met through another networking group, Ed Bienstock, told me that his Great Gotham Networking group was having their 10 year anniversary and would I be interested in doing a video for free? I said yes, contrary to many of those loved ones and business experts around me. And it may very well be the best investment I’ve ever made. I remember so clearly Fred Klein looking me straight in the eye and asking me why are you doing this? I think I mumbled something about maybe I’d get some future business…

I had a feeling and I followed that feeling.

It ain’t about the business.

Though I can tell you I’ve gotten thousands and thousands of dollars of business and its keeps growing.

It is about connecting with real, live human beings on a regular basis.

As Nancy Schess will tell you, it’s about the “between the meeting” times, more than what goes on in the meeting.

And there are human beings everywhere in NYC, but this Gotham tribe is very special, it's like we were pre-selected for each other.

You can create your own event here and be supported to thrive. It’s an endless education in business, human relations and creativity.

In the words of Lynne Twist (thank you, Phyllis Dubrow):

What you appreciate, appreciates.

I appreciate Gotham Networking.


I appreciate you.

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