There are many things in my office that aggravate me. Mostly it is the piles of paper that never seem to go away -- like an annoying child. They just get moved around or replaced by another pile. Our carpeting has to be replaced, and there is a piece of metal that was sticking out on my desk that scratched my brand new chair. Working can be a bitch.
But what drives me crazy most of all is the twisted telephone chord. Our phones are old (yes, I know Al the Gotham phone guy) and we are going to get new ones. But until then, a bad day is made worse when I have to yank on the twisted chord just to get the reciever to my ear. I finally get to the point where I have to untwist by unplugging the hopeless chord, standing on a chair, and allowing it to unwind itself. That works for a little while. But I watch it, but it slowly torutures me and twists back even worse than before. It knows I am watching. And it is beating me.