Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
09.05.2016 (3106 days ago)

A Little Something New

A Little Something New
3106 days ago 7 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:


I am not athletic at all but I do enjoy walking. In nice weather, Bill and I walk around our neighborhood.



This weekend, we decided to change the scenery and ventured out to Trailview State Park, a section of the Greenbelt Trail. The Greenbelt Trail extends essentially across Long Island from North to South – although the little section we walked is just nearby our house.



I had no idea what to expect when we arrived at the foot of the trail. Frankly, I learned the information above only after our adventure. I was just looking for someplace new to walk.



I have to say, it was really relaxing. We walked probably 2 miles. The terrain was very different than our usual neighborhood walks but the weather was beautiful (despite tropical storm warnings), the area was so tranquil and green and the company was good.



I think we will visit again. But I need a new pair of sneakers.


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