Fred Klein
Counsel, Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP 1350 Broadway, 11th floor
04.16.2021 (1430 days ago)

A Home Invasion

A Home Invasion
1430 days ago 32 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

If you’ve ever telephoned or Zoomed with me lately you’ve probably heard the chickens. 

Well, Key West is over run with chickens.

Legend has it that once cock fighting was banned they were released and the rest is history (there is early morning crowing and chicken poop everywhere as they run free).  

After a while one becomes inured to them (for better or worse).  

And then it happened!

I was taking a shower and over the sound of the water I heard a once in a lifetime shriek from Joanne.  It was so intense and desperate!

I took a towel and ran towards the tumult and found that Charcoal had driven a chicken into the bathtub (aftermath pictured).  

Now picture this (if you choose to), it fell to naked me to drive the chicken out of the house and once Joanne took Charcoal away I managed to do so.  

Talk about Home Invasions.  This is one for the books!

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