Corey Bearak
making a difference in people's lives

A Green Thanks

A Green Thanks
1572 days ago 16 comments Categories: Politics Tags:Thanksgiving, Gotham Green, Gotham Green Awards, Earth Day

When we selected a new date to announce the Gotham Green Awards® – delayed by the COVID 19 Pandemic and originally planned a week following Earth Day 2020 – I proposed just ahead of Thanksgiving. So as Wednesday’s blogger, Carly Meyer Bentley, shared last week, Gotham held its ceremony last Tuesday, November 17. Eight awardees. Our new Gotham Green® Group Coordinator, Shelley Simpson, posted to our Fredslist list serve her takethis past Friday. Shelley and my co-chairs, Friday’s blogger Fred Klein and wannabe permanent/ sometime blogger and architect extraordinaire Joshua Zinder, concurred on moving this Green program to the fall on a permanent basis.


That change led to another. Rather than each awardee – eight this year – giving a brief overview of their program, business or work that led to their recognition, Gotham Green® plans that each of its first four 2021 events features presentations by two of the 2020 award winners.


So even before the 2021 Gotham calendar gets revealed, my colleagues and I leading its original save the world group announce four special Gotham Green® programs:


►Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 12:00 noon: James Periconi/ Periconi LLP and New York Passive House.


►Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. co-sponsored by Gotham Philadelphia Colleagues: Alley Pond Environmental Center and UC Green.


►Tuesday. April 20, 2021 at 12:00 noon (just ahead of Earth Day): Green Energy Technology (GET) by JGM and Paul Napolitano of Two Sons Environmental and Critter Cleanup.


►Friday, May 7, 2021 at 12:00 noon co-sponsored by Gotham Princeton: Sustainable Princeton and Jared Witt /Princeton Maclean Group LLC.


Participation as with last week just involves you Zooming in; it makes it easy for you to lock in the date and join us (Email Shelley today!). Please do. Make it a date.


Happy Thanksgiving!


P.S.  Enjoy my fave Poco tune that covers a green topic (this one live).

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Tegs: Sino Biological

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Posted By : Sdvilldeamb

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Posted By : Sdvilldeamb

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