07.31.2017 (2765 days ago)

A Gotham Story

A Gotham Story
2765 days ago 10 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Last Wednesday night I attended the Gotham Long Island Quad meeting at The Westbury Manor. As I pulled up to the venue and gave the valet my car, I remembered that I forgotten to put cash in my wallet that morning. Thus, I had no money to tip the valet driver later in the evening. Knowing that my long time friend, Nancy Schess would be attending the event, I knew it would not be an issue.  I knew Nancy would lend me the $2.00 as soon as I told her the story.


Nancy was the first person I saw when I walked into the room. As soon as I told her my story she offered the $2.00. I told her I would get it from her later in the evening and ultimately I took it from her husband, Bill. During the night I told my story of my folly to numerous people, in my typical self deprecating way. Every single one of them dug into their pocketbooks/pockets to give me the change; even those people who purposely did not valet their own car (you know who you are).  Had I accepted $2.00 from every person who offered, I could have left the event and gone to Lord and Taylor and  bought myself the new pair of sandals I have been eyeing.


I realize that $2.00 may not be a lot of money but this blog is about the Gotham spirit. Every single person I spoke to in that room offered to help me, no questions asked or judgments made. That is what makes Gotham different from other networking groups. While referring business is the core of what we do, our mantra, “It’s better to give than receive and what goes around comes around,” is truly the guiding essence of how we network.



By the way, Bill, I know I still owe you $2.00. And, some people mentioned to me that evening that $2.00 is too small of a tip and offered me more cash. What do you tip a valet?

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