12.03.2020 (1563 days ago)

A Gotham Meeting

A Gotham Meeting
1563 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

My father often said that, as a host, you invite people and put a roof over their heads — the rest is up to them.
How true it is in our Gotham family. In person meetings, events, and now, virtual meetings. We invite and put a roof over our heads...and our members do the rest.
So it was, again, on Tuesday at our Covid Business Update. Ten joined the meeting to discuss what they had learned in the months of Covid and the lessons that would help them through what lies ahead.
The meeting was an incredible sharing of experiences. Everyone had something to contribute - from the opening song to the closing observations about the vaccine. And we all left the meeting with a little more insight than we had an hour earlier.
No single expert - yet all expert- and willing to share and learn. A perfect Gotham meeting.

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