Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
11.13.2019 (1898 days ago)

A Good Gift Receiver

A Good Gift Receiver
1898 days ago 5 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

It’s better to give than receive, but when it comes to receiving, how well do you accept your gifts? Accepting a gift of someone’s time, resource, trust, loyalty, or even a small box with a bow on top is difficult for some. To look another person in the eye and graciously accept the gift can be just as important for the relationship as giving. The act of giving and receiving is the basis, or an essential for building a relationship. Communication is a give and take. If one person is “giving” words, but the other isn’t “receiving” those words, then an exchange never happened. I can be a bit clumsy at receiving, but it’s a goal of mine in 2020 to graciously accept gifts bestowed. I’m learning to smile and say “thank you” without tightening up my insides. I am a good listener, but I’m working on “great” for next year. Try it on for size! Awkwardly, CMB

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