12.02.2024 (83 days ago)

A Favorite Thanksgiving Memory

A Favorite Thanksgiving Memory
83 days ago 6 comments Categories: Holidays Tags:

My family had an interesting conversation over the Thanksgiving table. We each recounted our favorite childhood Thanksgiving memory. I tried to relay a memory from when my children were young. But my now adult children called me out on that and asked me to recount a Thanksgiving memory from when I was a child.  It was, actually, an easy memory to tell.


My favorite memory of Thanksgiving during my childhood did not occur during dinner. It actually happened afterwards. After dinner and dessert were finished, my mother, sister and I would clear the dining room table and wash the dishes. The men would go into the den to watch football.


Once the cleanup was finished, my mother, sister and I would sit at the kitchen table and my mother would take out the frame of the turkey. She would then break it into three pieces, and we would each take one.


My mother, sister and I would sit at the kitchen, eating the remaining turkey off the frame and just talk. It was always my favorite part of the holiday as we just engaged in “girl talk,” as my mother would call it. My memories of Thanksgiving as a child are filled with those moments enjoying the frame with my mother and sister.


What about you? Please share a childhood Thanksgiving memory.





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