Nancy Schess
Looking forward to connecting with you!
07.29.2013 (4240 days ago)

A Favorite Summer Memory

A Favorite Summer Memory
4240 days ago 8 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Summer is off to a great start in my house. My daughter is in the middle of a project with a non-profit that is turning out to be a fantastic experience on so many levels. My son just finished the travel camp half of his summer and has now started the sports half. Baseball camp started today and he has already won an award for some play in the outfield.

I have distinct memories of my summers growing up in Brooklyn. Carefree and fun. My dad was a school principal and so he was home all summer long. For years, my parents owned a boat and I remember spending days on end out on the water on beautiful summer days.

As you look back, is there a summer that stands out as your best?

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