10.06.2016 (3027 days ago)

A Family Heirloom

A Family Heirloom
3027 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Its been almost almost a year since the house that Flo grew up in was sold. It was sold to the caretaker who cared for Flo's mother during the last years of her struggle with Alzheimer's. They loved the house and selling it to them was one way to keep it in the family. We were in the neighborhood the other day and stopped by to see the house. They had made some changes -- took off the wall paper and painted, took up the carpeting to discover beautiful wooden floors and redid the basement. Much of the furniture was kept. Although re-arranged, there was a wonderful familiarity. One of Flo's mother's needlepoints was on the wall. A lamp table in the living room that had been covered with pictures of Flo's family was now similarly covered with the pictures of another family. The house was like a family heirloom piece of jewelry whose many precious gems had been preserved in a redesigned necklace. As we walked from the house, we turned to each other and smiled.

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