Carly Bentley
Freckled Strawberry Fields Forever
04.21.2021 (1404 days ago)

A Community

A Community
1404 days ago 6 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

Recently, I had the opportunity to enjoy lunch with two Irishmen at a lovely outdoor cafe in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. When the hostess asked if we wanted shade or sun for our outdoor dining experience, it was thrice clear, that shade should've been the obvious choice. However, we chose the sun. Fair skinned and all.

As luck would have it, one in three of us had sunscreen in the boot of the car. Here we were, the lot of us, applying the white, milking armor called sunscreen that would keep us from burning to blister in the sun. Together, sharing a common experience, with a common denominator. Connecting as community, caring for one another over the act of sunscreen application.

Whilst discussing "home" which was, to them, county Cork and Louth on the Emerald Isle, it occurred to all of us that a sense of community wasn't necessarily a physical place, but a culture, or tribe of people that understood one other. Coming together and feeling completely understood, supported and loved. Having each other's backside, when it counted most. Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Dublin, Milan....need I keep going?

Today, I celebrate our community and our tribe. Today, how will you connect with and care for your tribe?

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