02.13.2013 (4408 days ago)

A Break From Tradition?

A Break From Tradition?
4408 days ago 11 comments Categories: Lifestyle Tags:

I heard about it this year while watching the Super Bowl but I never really thought it to be a real possibility.  Playing the Super Bowl on a Saturday instead of on "Super Bowl Sunday."  Now they are talking about it for next year at uh...Met Life Stadium.

Really, it makes complete sense particularly since they extended the Super Bowl break to two weeks years back. It has become one of the biggest party days of the year (in my experience surpassing New Year's Eve).  Where is the sense in forcing everyone to minimize their enjoyment and struggle to get through the work day on Monday, when they could simply slide it to the day before and let everyone rest the day after.

Thoughts?  Great idea or American blasphemy?


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